March Round-up 2021

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We hope you’ve had a spelltastic March! 

Here’s everything we shared this month:

  • Have you tried our new spelling games? Help decode an enemy message in Codebreaker. Enter the temple and test your spelling skill in Mayan Temple.
  • March’s Word for Wednesday theme was clothing. Learn more about where shirts, trousers, dresses, coats, and shoes got their names from. 
  • Did you know there are over a million word lists on Spellzone? Every word list can be used in a variety of online and offline activities – learn more about them here. Each month, we share 3 word lists for you to use when practising your spelling. Our March lists were: Clothes, 10 Words from Ireland, and 10 Words for Small. Read more about these lists here.
  • For this month’s Commonly Confused Words blog post, we looked at the words cent, scent, and sent. Do you know which of the three words refers to smells? How about money? Click here for tips and tricks to help you tell them apart.
  • In our 10 Words blog post we shared alternatives for the word for funny. From amusing, to hilarious, to witty – we’ve got the word for you!
  • Finally, we also looked at clothing words in this month’s American English vs. British English blog post. Pants or trousers? Purse or handbag? Sneakers or trainers? Learn more here.



31 Mar 2021
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"Spellzone is incredibly easy to access and caters for a wide range of abilities, which means you can use it throughout the school at a range of levels, making it fantastic value for money as a learning resource."

Anne Shisler, SENCO, City of London School for Girls