The English spelling resource created for online learning.

Casterton College

"His standardised score has risen from 99 to 131. This is a truly phenomenal result. I just wanted to share the best result I have ever seen."

Terrie Penrose-Toms, Casterton College

Top Schools

Gold - 1st place Virden Junior High Canada 2559
Silver - 2nd place Benny Tutors Canada 787
Bronze - 3rd place Canada 730
4 Tularcitos Elementary School United States 694
5 Branch Elementary School United States 598

Top Classes

Gold - 1st place Mrs. Pezzini's Spelling Class United States 598
Silver - 2nd place Mr. Leslie Canada 883
Bronze - 3rd place Mrs. Cross Canada 566
4 5th Grade 2024-25 United States 694
5 Mrs. Rivera's 24/25 Class United States 548

Top Students

Gold - 1st place United States 518
Silver - 2nd place Canada 275
Bronze - 3rd place Canada 222
4 Canada 213
5 Canada 203

Log in or Sign up to view full league tables

What is Spellzone?

Spellzone unlocks the mystery of American English spelling and adapts to all abilities, including those with dyslexia.
Students can work on tailored learning pathways at their own pace and on any device.
Time-saving reporting tools allow teachers to monitor progress and evaluate student activity with just the click of a button.

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Access to ALL spelling resources!

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How does Spellzone work?

Spelling Ability Test

Assesses prior knowledge
Creates individual course pathways
Automatic re-testing

Spelling Ability Test
Spelling Course

Spelling Course

For ages six to adult
Based on phonics progression
Covers all English spelling rules
Starter and Main courses
Multi-sensory activities and tests
Points and rewards system
Fully accessible

Spelling Course
View the Spelling Course >>
Word Lists

Word Lists

Course, curriculum and grade lists
1000s of pre-loaded lists or create your own
Use with activities, games and worksheets
Multiplayer games
Translation and handwriting activities

View the Word Lists >>
Learn more about Spellzone >>
Spelling Course

Spellzone and Dyslexia

Written by a qualified teacher and dyslexia specialist, Spellzone is clear and uncomplicated to follow but is non-patronising in its teaching style and vocabulary content.

Spellzone follows the principles of multi-sensory teaching: using sound, sight and movement to teach spellings and to fix them in the mind.

Read more about Spellzone and Dyslexia >>

Who uses Spellzone?

Achahoish and Kilmartin Primary School

Spellzone engages students...

"The children were able to get into the swing of it quickly and were happy to continue using it"

Fiona Johnson, Shared Head, Achahoish and Kilmartin Primary School

Thomas A Becket Junior School

Spellzone reinforces learning...

“The definitions, practise sessions and the games reinforce the relevant spelling pattern superbly - it is everything I need in a busy classroom environment.”

Siobhan Moulding, Class teacher, Thomas A Becket Junior School

British International School Bratislava, Slovakia

Spellzone is easy to use...

“All of our learners have devices so it is fast, structured and easy to use.”

Pauline Mably, Whole School Learning Support Coordinator, British International School Bratislava, Slovakia

King’s Leadership Academy

Spellzone saves time...

"It is saving huge amounts of time as well as directly supporting learning"

Alison Ridyard, Director of Literacy, King’s Leadership Academy

Casterton College

Spellzone provides evidence...

"It makes viewing and evaluating student activity, engagement levels and results easy"

Terrie Penrose-Smith, Teaching Assistant, Casterton College

Sotogrande International School

Spellzone differentiates...

“Spellzone provides students with an independent learning tool that is paced for them, with no pressure.
It suits a range of learner profiles and ages.”

Sue, Head of Student Support, Sotogrande International School, Spain

Millthorpe School

Spellzone makes a difference...

"There’s no doubt that a 400% improvement represents a superb result"

Mary Griffiths, Director of Inclusion, Millthorpe School

Information for teachers >>
Information for students >>
View case studies and reviews >>

Try Spellzone for FREE

Access to ALL spelling resources!

No obligation - No pre-payment - No risk

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"Spellzone fits in beautifully with our Scope and Sequence of Phonological Awareness and Spelling. It also aligns perfectly with the four areas of spelling knowledge and uses the Brain, Ears, Eyes approach to learning spelling."
Thank you!

Teacher, Australia