3 Word Lists for May 2023

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Are you ready for some springtime spelling? Here are our 3 spelling lists for May:

  1. Words ending in 'tle'

    When a /t l/ sound falls at the end of a word, it is usually spelt with the letters 'tle'. Learn more about words ending in 'tle' in Unit 26 - Word endings: -le, and exceptions e.g. -al-el-ol.
  2. Art, jobs

    Last month's list tested you on art supplies and this month’s list is full of arts-related jobs for you to learn how to spell. Did you know you can click on the eye icon to try a Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check activity?
  3. 10 Words for... HAPPY

    In May’s 10 Words… word list, we’re looking at synonyms for happy. Whether you want to describe pleasure, or excitement, or contentedness; we’ve got the word for you.

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02 May 2023
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"This is a fantastic opportunity for our students!  I'm sure Spellzone will be invaluable in helping them to improve their spellings and therefore improve the quality of their writing in all subject areas!"

Teacher, High School, UK