Explore this spelling list: ou words - set 1. Make the most of these interactive activities and resources to help you learn. Choose between our online games and printable spelling lists using the buttons above.
The sound /ou/ as in out, at the beginning or in the middle of a word, is often spelled with the letters ou. The only two cases where the ou sound is spelled with the letters ou at the end of the word are thou and miaou . This list looks at a few ou words.
loud |
The baby gave a loud wail.
proud |
Dad was very proud when I won first prize.
shroud |
A shroud is cloth used to wrap a body.
noun |
A noun is a word that names someone or something.
sour |
Lemons have a sour taste.
scour |
We will scour the county until we find this criminal.
scout |
He went to scout out a spot for dinner.
shout |
He had to shout before he was heard.
spout |
The old jug has a chipped spout.
sprout |
The plants began to sprout leaves.
stout |
The man was described as short and stout.
bound |
He's bound to want to come to the party.
found |
I found my lost book.
ground |
The earthquake made the ground shake.
hound |
The fox and the hound were best friends.
mound |
A mound is a small hill.
pound |
I have one pound coin in my money box.
round |
I'll come round to your house.
sound |
Click the icon to mute the sound.
Learn more about these words in the Spellzone Main Course: Unit 15. Spelling choices for /ou/ sound: ou, ow
Learn this spelling list using the 'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' activity.
How to use:
Look and read the word.
Say the word. Click the speaker icon.
Cover the word.
Write the word.
Check your spelling.
Spelling games using the word list: ou words - set 1
Autumn Anagram
A spelling game for Autumn!
Egg Hunt
Crack the eggs!
Word Search, small
The classic English word game.
Against the Clock
Spelling 'against the clock'.
Mayan Temple
Try the temple spelling puzzle.
Monkey Business
It's bananas!
Test yourself using the 'Listen and Spell' spelling test.
Print spelling worksheets and activities: ou words - set 1
Handwriting worksheets: ou words - set 1
This word list was created by Spellzone. View more Spellzone course lists or curriculum word lists.
"Thank goodness for Spellzone during this remote learning phase. The site is easy for students to navigate independently and they're really enjoying the activities and spelling games. You get an awful lot for your money with Spellzone. Really reassuring is the very prompt response with helpdesk queries. I've very rarely needed the helpdesk, but when I have, the issue has been addressed and sorted within a very short time."
Sarah Taggart, Oasis Academy Lord's Hill