Study the word list: Characters in Notes on a Scandal Study
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Study the word list: Characters in Notes on a Scandal

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About the word list: Characters in Notes on a Scandal

Notes on a Scandal by Zo Heller is a gripping psychological drama that explores the complex relationship between Barbara Covett, an isolated teacher, and Sheba Hart, whose affair with a student sparks a scandal. Through Barbara's obsessive narration, the novel delves into themes of betrayal, manipulation, and the destructive power of secrets.

Barbara Barbara Covett, a lonely and observant teacher, narrates her intense fascination with Sheba Hart and the events that unfold.
Covett Barbara Covett, a lonely and observant teacher, narrates her intense fascination with Sheba Hart and the events that unfold.
Sheba Sheba Hart, a fellow teacher, becomes the centre of attention and scandal when her affair with a student, Steven Connolly, is revealed.
Hart Sheba Hart, a fellow teacher, becomes the centre of attention and scandal when her affair with a student, Steven Connolly, is revealed.
Richard Richard Hart, Sheba's husband, faces emotional turmoil and betrayal as he discovers the truth about his wife's affair.
Polly Polly Hart, the daughter of Sheba and Richard, is caught in the aftermath of the scandal.
Steven Steven Connolly, a young student, engages in a secret affair with Sheba Hart.
Connolly Steven Connolly, a young student, engages in a secret affair with Sheba Hart.
Brian Brian Bangs, a colleague and confidant of Barbara Covett, shares insights and observations about the unfolding events.
Bangs Brian Bangs, a colleague and confidant of Barbara Covett, shares insights and observations about the unfolding events.
Jennifer Jennifer Dodd is another teacher at the school and a friend and confidante of Barbara.
Dodd Jennifer Dodd is another teacher at the school and a friend and confidante of Barbara.
Sue Sue Hodge is a former friend of Barbara Covett.
Hodge Sue Hodge is a former friend of Barbara Covett.
Marjorie Marjorie, Sheba's sister, provides perspective and support during the challenging times Sheba faces.
Sandy Sandy Pabblem is the headteacher of the school where Barbara and Sheba work.
Pabblem Sandy Pabblem is the headteacher of the school where Barbara and Sheba work.

Use the list: Characters in Notes on a Scandal


'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' spelling exercise for Characters in Notes on a Scandal Learn this spelling list using the 'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' activity.

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Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check

How to use:

Look and read the word.

Say the word. Click the speaker icon.

Cover the word.

Write the word.

Check your spelling.



English spelling games Spelling games using the word list: Characters in Notes on a Scandal

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Spelling test: Characters in Notes on a Scandal Test yourself using the 'Listen and Spell' spelling test.


Worksheets and activities Print spelling worksheets and activities: Characters in Notes on a Scandal

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Handwriting worksheets: Characters in Notes on a Scandal Handwriting worksheets: Characters in Notes on a Scandal

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