Write: ss words
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At the end of a word, sometimes you need to double a consonant after a short vowel sound. This happens in spellings when the short vowel sound is followed by one of these letters: f, s, and l.
In the words in this list, the s has been doubled after the short vowel sound.
For example:
The word press includes a short /e/ sound and ends with an s sound. This means it needs to be spelt with a double s.
Miss contain a short /i/ sound before an s sound. This word also needs to be spelt with a double s.
The word fuss includes a short /i/ sound followed by an s sound. Again, this means the s needs to be doubled.
This word list was created by Spellzone. View more Spellzone course lists or curriculum word lists.
Learn more in Unit 2. Spelling the consonant sounds, Part 1
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