Study the word list: GCSE Geography: Key Words 04 Study
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Study the word list: GCSE Geography: Key Words 04

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About the word list: GCSE Geography: Key Words 04

Key words for GCSE Geography.

epicentre British English spelling The epicentre is the point on the earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake.
erosion Erosion refers to the wearing away and breaking down of material by a moving force.
estuary An estuary is the point where a river meets the sea.
evaporation Evaporation is the process by which water turns into water vapour.
evapotranspiration The total sum of evaporation and plant transpiration from earth into the atmosphere is called evapotranspiration.
expectancy Life expectancy is the average number of years a person is expected to live.
exponential Exponential growth is a rate of growth that continually increases over time.
exports Exports are goods and services that are sold to another country.
extensive Extensive farming is when one type of farming dominates an area.
farmers Farmers can sell their produce directly to customers at a farmers' market.
fault A fault is a fracture in the earth's crust.
fertility The fertility rate of a country is the number of live births per 1000 in a year.
food Food miles is the total distance food is transported from production to meeting the consumer.
foreign Foreign direct investment is investment from one company to another in a different country.
free Free trade is a trade pact between countries with little or no government tariffs or barriers.
freeze Freeze thaw weathering occurs when water enters cracks and then freezes and expands.
geology Geology is the study of the Earth through rocks, geochemistry and geobiology.
geothermal Geothermal energy is a renewable energy source generated by heat within the earth.
global A global city is a major world city supplying goods and services to the rest of the world e.g. New York.

Use the list: GCSE Geography: Key Words 04


'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' spelling exercise for GCSE Geography: Key Words 04 Learn this spelling list using the 'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' activity.

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Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check

How to use:

Look and read the word.

Say the word. Click the speaker icon.

Cover the word.

Write the word.

Check your spelling.



English spelling games Spelling games using the word list: GCSE Geography: Key Words 04

Winter spelling gameSpelling Snowball
Winter spelling fun!

Egg hunt spelling gameEgg Hunt
Crack the eggs!

Word search Word Search, small
The classic English word game.
Print version

Against the clock Against the Clock
Spelling 'against the clock'.

Mayan Temple spelling gameMayan Temple
Try the temple spelling puzzle.

Monkey Business spelling gameMonkey Business
It's bananas!

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Spelling test: GCSE Geography: Key Words 04 Test yourself using the 'Listen and Spell' spelling test.


Worksheets and activities Print spelling worksheets and activities: GCSE Geography: Key Words 04

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Handwriting worksheets: GCSE Geography: Key Words 04 Handwriting worksheets: GCSE Geography: Key Words 04

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