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Unit 28: Spelling -tion -cian and -sion words

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Unit 28: Word endings: -tion, -cian, -sion

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Spelling tion, cian and sion words

Try this final test of the spellings tion, cian, sion. Guess the word from the first few letters. Listen to the syllables, work out the rest of the spelling and type the whole word in the box.

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Work out which letters are missing

Type the whole word:

Number of people in a place: pop___
Bridge which hangs from cables: susp___
Person who repairs machines: tech___
Let's celebrate this great occa___.
Medication can be given by inj___.
Another word for occupation: prof___
Management, oversight: super___
Volcanic activity: eru___
Totalling some figures: add___
Worry about the future: appre___
Thank you for the inv___ to the party.
Another word for surgeon: phys___

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