Unit 19: Soft g: ge, gi and gy words
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To recap: |
1. No English word ends in j - we always use ge.
2. Before the vowels a, o and u, the sound /j/ is usually spelled with the letter j:
January | job | jump |
3. Before the vowels e, i and y, the sound /j/ is usually spelled with the letter g:
Germany | giraffe | gymnastics |
1. Some words that originated in different languages are now common in our dictionaries. For example:
raj - meaning the British rule in India. It is a Hindi word meaning
hajj or hadj - the Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca. It is an
Arab word meaning pilgrimage.
2. A few words use ge or gi
before o:
George | pigeon | legion | region |
Several words begin with the prefix geo (meaning 'earth') which should be said as two syllables: ge - o, so these words do follow the ge rule :
geography | geology | geometry | geosphere |
3. Some words do use the letter j, even before e and i (usually when the j is at the beginning of words).
These are the most common:
jealous | jeans | jeep | jeer | jelly | Jennifer |
jeopardy | jerk | jersey | jet | jetty | Jew | jewel |
jiffy | jig | jigsaw | jilt | jingle | jinx | jittery |
eject | inject | object | project | reject | subject |
Only one homophone from this unit: |
Jim - short for James gym - short for gymnasium |
My brother does not like being called Jim. Get fit by working out at the gym. |
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