
bush - noun

  • a low woody perennial plant usually having several major stems
  • a large wilderness area
  • dense vegetation consisting of stunted trees or bushes
  • 43rd President of the United States; son of George Herbert Walker Bush (born in 1946)
  • United States electrical engineer who designed an early analogue computer and who led the scientific program of the United States during World War II (1890-1974)
  • vice president under Reagan and 41st President of the United States (born in 1924)
  • hair growing in the pubic area

  • bush - verb

    • provide with a bushing

    bush - adjective

    • not of the highest quality or sophistication

    bush - thesaurus

    chaparral   dubya   dubyuh   scrub   shrub  

    View spelling list More ways to spell short /oo/ and learn about the word bush in the Spellzone English spelling course, Unit 13. Spelling choices for /oo/ sound: oo, ou.

    Scrabble score for bush

    b is 3 u is 1 s is 1 h is 4
    Scrabble score = 9

    generated at 00:38:04 on 14-08-24

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