Study the word list: Mrs Lawson (Autumn Term) List 1, words I need to know Study
Learn using Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check: Mrs Lawson (Autumn Term) List 1, words I need to know Learn
Spelling Games: Mrs Lawson (Autumn Term) List 1, words I need to know Games
Listen and Spell test: Mrs Lawson (Autumn Term) List 1, words I need to know Test
Printable worksheets and activities: Mrs Lawson (Autumn Term) List 1, words I need to know Print
Handwriting worksheets: Mrs Lawson (Autumn Term) List 1, words I need to know Write

Study the word list: Mrs Lawson (Autumn Term) List 1, words I need to know

High frequency words

accident I was given counselling after the accident.
accidentally Fred accidentally fell over. *
address Address the judge as 'Your Honour'.
answer When will you deign to answer me?
appear You appear to be upset.
arrive She will arrive soon.
believe I can't believe she has married him.
bicycle My bicycle needs a new tire.
breath Take a breath of fresh air.
breathe Breathe deeply before performing.
build They wanted to build a house.
busy The waiter was too busy to serve me.
calendar Mark off the dates on a calendar.
caught The thief was caught in the act.
centre British English spelling They found themselves in the centre of a storm.
century We are now in the 21st century.
certain Are you certain you paid that bill?
circle I have a wide circle of friends.
complete This was a complete waste of time.
consider ‘she blurted out the truth’ , she did not consider what she said. *

* This sentence was added by a Spellzone user.

Use the list: Mrs Lawson (Autumn Term) List 1, words I need to know

'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' spelling exercise for Mrs Lawson (Autumn Term) List 1, words I need to know Learn this spelling list using the 'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' activity.


Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check

How to use:

Look and read the word.

Say the word. Click the speaker icon.

Cover the word.

Write the word.

Check your spelling.


English spelling games Spelling games using the word list: Mrs Lawson (Autumn Term) List 1, words I need to know

Spring spelling gameSpringtime Spelling
Spring into spelling!

Egg hunt spelling gameEgg Hunt
Crack the eggs!

Word search Word Search, small
The classic English word game.
Print version

Against the clock Against the Clock
Spelling 'against the clock'.

Mayan Temple spelling gameMayan Temple
Try the temple spelling puzzle.

Monkey Business spelling gameMonkey Business
It's bananas!

More games

Spelling test: Mrs Lawson (Autumn Term) List 1, words I need to know Test yourself using the 'Listen and Spell' spelling test.

Worksheets and activities Print worksheets and activities: Mrs Lawson (Autumn Term) List 1, words I need to know

More worksheets and activities

Handwriting worksheets: Mrs Lawson (Autumn Term) List 1, words I need to know Handwriting worksheets: Mrs Lawson (Autumn Term) List 1, words I need to know

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