
Morgan - noun

  • United States anthropologist who studied the Seneca (1818-1881)
  • United States biologist who formulated the chromosome theory of heredity (1866-1945)
  • a Welsh buccaneer who raided Spanish colonies in the West Indies for the English (1635-1688)
  • soldier in the American Revolution who defeated the British in the battle of Cowpens, South Carolina (1736-1802)
  • United States financier and philanthropist (1837-1913)
  • an American breed of small compact saddle horses
  • Morgan - thesaurus

    Scrabble score for Morgan

    m is 3 o is 1 r is 1 g is 2 a is 1 n is 1
    Scrabble score = 9

    generated at 13:26:33 on 24-05-24

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