Spelling Insights: British vs. American English

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The spelling differences between British English and American English sometimes trip learners up. In this blog post, we'll explore six words that are spelt differently in the UK and the US.

  1. Colour vs. Color

    The American English spelling of this word drops the letter u.

    Other examples of this spelling difference:

    Honour (British) vs. Honor (American)
    Flavour (British) vs. Flavor (American)
    Labour (British) vs. Labor (American)
  2. Theatre vs. Theater

    This word is spelt with an re in British spelling and an er in American English.

    Other examples of this spelling difference:

    Metre (British) vs. Meter (American)
    Centre (British) vs. Center (American)
    Fibre (British) vs. Fiber (American)
  3. Travelling vs. Traveling

    The British English spelling uses ll, while the American English spelling uses a l.

    Other examples of this spelling difference:

    Traveller (British) vs. Traveler (American)
    Modelling (British) vs. Modeling (American)
    Counselling (British) vs. Counseling (American)
  4. Realise vs. Realize

    The British English spelling of this word uses the letter s, while the American English spelling uses the letter z.

    Other examples of this spelling difference:

    Organise (British) vs. Organize (American)
    Recognise (British) vs. Recognize (American)
    Criticise (British) vs. Criticize (American)
  5. Catalogue vs. Catalog

    The American English spelling of this word drops the letters ue.

    Another example of this spelling difference:

    Analogue (British) vs. Analog (American)
  6. Defence vs. Defense

    This word is spelt with a c British English and an s in American English.

    Other examples of this spelling difference:

    Pretence (British) vs. Pretense (American)
    Licence (British) vs. License (American)
    Offence (British) vs. Offense (American)

Being aware of these distinctions can make a big difference in your English writing. Whether you're writing social media content, work emails, or academic essays, make sure you tailor the regional spellings you use for your institution or audience. Don't use a mix of British English and American English spellings in the same piece.

Spellzone covers both British and American spellings. Sign up for a free trial and boost your spelling skills today!

08 Jul 2024
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"This is a fantastic opportunity for our students!  I'm sure Spellzone will be invaluable in helping them to improve their spellings and therefore improve the quality of their writing in all subject areas!"

Teacher, High School, UK