Sixty Clothing Idioms: Part 2

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Click here for part one of our list of clothing idioms.

  • to get along on a shoestring – to manage on a small budget.
  • to get the boot/to give someone the boot – to get fired from a job/to fire someone from a job.
  • to hang one’s hat somewhere – to settle down and live somewhere.
  • to hang up one’s hat – to retire.
  • to have a bee in one’s bonnet – to be preoccupied with or obsessed by a single thought.
  • to have a card up one’s sleeve – to have a secret strategy to gain advantage.
  • to have ants in one’s pants – to feel agitated or restless due to nervousness or excitement.
  • to have money burning a hole in your pocket – to have money which you are eager to spend.
  • to have someone in one’s pocket – to have someone in one’s control.
  • to have something up one’s sleeve – to have a secret plan or solution.
  • to keep one’s hat/shirt on – to keep calm/to keep from losing one’s temper.
  • to keep something under one’s hat – to keep something secret/to keep something to oneself.
  • to laugh up one’s sleeve – to be quietly/inwardly amused.
  • to lick someone’s boots – to be attentive to someone to an excessive, servile degree.
  • to line one’s own pockets – to make money (usually in a dishonest way, such as through embezzlement or accepting bribery).
  • to pull a rabbit out of the hat – to unexpectedly but effectively solve a problem.
  • to put a sock in it – to stop talking.
  • to put on one’s thinking cap – to think over a problem.
  • to quake/shake in one’s boots – to tremble due to fear.
  • to ride on someone’s coattails – to benefit (often undeservedly) from the perks of someone else’s success.
  • to roll up one’s sleeves – to prepare oneself for hard work.
  • to take one’s hat off to someone/something – to declare one’s admiration for someone/something.
  • to talk through one’s hat – to speak without understanding what you are talking about.
  • to wait for the other shoe to drop – to be prepared for further complications to occur.
  • to wear more than one hat – to have multiples roles/responsibilities.
  • too big for one’s boots/britches – to think that you are more important than you really are.
  • under one’s belt – in one`s experience.
  • willing to give someone the shirt off one’s back – willing to do almost anything to help someon.
  • with cap/hat in hand – with humility (usually said before asking for a favour).
  • wolf in sheep’s clothing – someone or something that is hostile or threatening but appears to be harmless

If you’ve found this post useful, why not check out our other articles on idioms?


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