10 Words for … HOT

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Whether you love or hate this August heat, here are 10 words to help you describe it. 

  1. blistering – (figuratively) hot enough to raise blisters
    I can’t work in this blistering heat. 
  2. boiling (figuratively) hot enough to change something from a liquid to a gas
    I was boiling so I took off my cardigan. 
  3. humid – containing or characterised by a great deal of water vapour
    It was a humid day and she was dripping with sweat. 
  4. piping – extremely hot
    Despite the piping hot weather, he stayed indoors.
  5. roasting – (figuratively) hot enough to cook 
    You must be roasting with that coat on. 
  6. scorching – (figuratively) hot and dry enough to burn or parch a surface
    It was a scorching day so we went to the beach. 
  7. searing – (figuratively) hot enough to cook
    The sun was searing and unpleasant. 
  8. sizzling (figuratively) hot enough to burn with or as if with a hissing sound
    When it's sizzling outside like this, all I want is an ice cream. 
  9. stifling –  characterised by oppressive heat and humidity 
    It was stifling and opening the windows didn’t seem to make a difference. 
  10. sweltering – excessively hot and humid or marked by sweating and faintness 
    It was sweltering indoors so I turned the air conditioning on. 

Test yourself on these words here

06 Aug 2020
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