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Unit 32: Spelling the endings -et -ot -ate -ite

Page 9 of 10

Unit 32: Word endings: -et, -ot, -ate, -ite

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Page 9 of 10

Spelling the endings et, ot, ate or ite

Choose from -ate or -ite.

Work out which letters are missing

Type the whole word:

An infin___ number of stars in the universe.
I'll give it my immedi___ attention.
Send it in a separ___ envelope.
(British spelling) It's my favour___ song.
(American spelling) It's my favor___ song.
I was fortun___ to win the prize.
Is it defin___ that Jim is coming?
She's no friend, she's a hypocr___.
I'm desper___ for a long cold drink.
Does spelling need to be accur___?
Kim has a certific___ for bravery.
Sit on the oppos___ side.
He's a very affection___ child.
That cat is defin___ly sick.
The flowers you sent were exquis___.
Was that a deliber___ mistake?

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