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Unit 6, Part 1: Spelling the short vowel sounds

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Unit 6: Short vowels, Part 1: a, e and i

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Homophones for the short vowel sound /ĕ/: e or ea

homophones - learn to spell similar sounding words

Homophones from this section:

If you confuse these words the computer spellchecker will not spot your mistake -
so it is especially important to learn them.

weather - climate: rainy, hot etc.

whether - two choices - if
We had good weather last week.

I don't know whether to go home or stay here.
Learning tip to help your spelling a) Think of the weather at sea (and draw it?).

b) When you use the word whether, it is rather like asking a question:
Shall I go or stay? - and the 'question' words begin with wh.

led - shown the way

lead - a heavy, soft metal
The tour guide led us up the hill.

The roof was made of lead.
Learning tip to help your spelling Lead has the letter a - so does metal.

red - the colour (US color)

read - past tense of read
She wore a red sweater.

He read the whole book in one day.

lent - gave on loan

leant - past tense of lean
Mike lent me $100.

We leant over the ship's rail.

check or cheque?

In British spelling the meanings are:

-make sure something is correct.

- a written order to a bank.

In America, check is used for both meanings.

Check that the car is locked.

I paid for the room by cheque.

lesson - teaching time

lessen - make less
His favourite lesson is Spanish.

When the rain lessens we'll go out.

medal - badge given as a reward

meddle - interfere
Sara won the silver medal.

Please don't meddle with my things.

berry - fruit of tree or bush

bury - put in the ground
The holly berry is bright red.

My dog likes to bury bones.

sent - mailed

cent - 100 = $1

scent - perfume
I sent Dad a birthday card.

It cost 40 cents.

Your scent smells really great.

seller - person who sells

cellar - basement room
There's a flower seller at the station.

The wine will keep cool in the cellar.

next part of the spelling course
Go to next part of this unit:
Spelling the short vowel sound /ĭ/.

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"I would like to thank you so much for this great website. I have always been ashamed of my spelling but after a few lessons I am already better. It is filling in all the gaps. Thanks."

Student, France