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Unit 18: Common words with odd spellings

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Unit 18: Irregular common words – common errors e.g. would, who, does

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Unit 18 - Spelling some common words

homophones - learn to spell similar sounding words Homophones from these common everyday words.
If you confuse these words the computer spellchecker will not spot your mistake - so it is especially important to learn them.

their - belonging to them

there -
1. in that place
2. there is, there are

they're - they are
The children had their hair cut.

1. Put the tray down there.
2. There's going to be storm tonight.

I wonder why they're so late.
Learning tip to help your spelling

The most common spelling is there.

Only use their for 'belonging to them'.

Only use they're when you could say they are instead:
I wonder why they are so late.

your - belonging to you

you're - you are
When did you last brush your hair?

You're so good to me.
Learning tip to help your spelling The most common spelling is your.

Only use you're when you could say you are instead:
You are so good to me.

to -
1. part of a verb
2. going towards

too -
1. too much
2. as well as

two - number two

1. When are you going to come to see me?
2. They went down town to the shops.

1. That cake is far too fattening for me.
2. You can come to the party too.

The two of us are great friends.
Learning tip to help your spelling The most common spelling is to.
Use too when it means too much, some extra -
so you need an extra o - which gives you oo:
Spelling some common words
too fattening!
Use too when it means as well as -
so you need an extra o as well as the first o -
which gives you oo:

Spelling some common words
Where Olga went,
liver went too.

Only use two for the number 2.

some - part of

sum - total
Come and meet some of my friends.

The sum of ten and two is twenty.

by -
1. beside
2. through

buy - purchase

bye - short for good-bye

1. Come and sit by me.
2. Learn these words by writing them.

She wants to buy a new dress.

"Bye-bye," said the little girl.

Learn the Words:
hear - with your ears

here - a place
Did you hear that strange noise?

Don't put it here, put it over there.

one - number one

won - past tense of win
He's the one for me!

Steven Redgrave has won 5 gold medals.

wood - trees

would - 'I would like....'
Most chairs and tables are made of wood.

Would you like to go for a pizza tonight?

whose - belonging to whom?

who's -
short for who is
or who has
Whose book is this?

Who's that speaking?
Who's made all this mess?

which? - the question word.

witch - on a broomstick.
Which train are you getting?

Dress up as a witch at Halloween.
Learning tip to help your spelling

a) Remember the 'question' words begin with
- which word?

These two words are not strictly homophones as they do not sound exactly alike. However, they are often confused, so make sure you know the difference.
of - e.g.......

off - opposite of on
A cup of tea
Made of wood
A game of pool

We get off the bus at the next stop.
Learning tip to help your spelling Remember the spelling rule from Unit 5 page 2:
Use double ff after a short vowel e.g. cliff, stuff, coffee
Listen carefully to the sounds you hear in of and off.
'of' sounds like /ov/ and the 'o' is often a weak vowel.  If you can hear a clear short /ŏ/ sound followed by the /f/ sound, you must use ff: off

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Teacher, International School, Geneva