Using the translation and dictionary features

Choose your word list from the links at the right-hand side of your course page or from Word Lists in the top menu.

Translation feature

Use the drop-down menu to translate the words into any one
of 92 languages.

Note: You will need to be logged in use this feature.


Dictionary feature

You can click on the word to see its meaning in the dictionary.


The dictionary page for your word will also give you:

  • links to other lists containing that word
  • links to Spellzone course units studying the spelling pattern of that word


  • 'Other spelling dictionary functions': this is a link to a search facility which lets you find other words containing a particular spelling pattern, for example, the ending 'cian'.


You can also access the dictionary at any time by typing a word into the dictionary box on the side bar.


Spellzone Guide Home Page

"I ran the trial with a small group of students over three weeks before the summer holidays," she says. "I quickly saw the benefits, and signed up."

King's Leadership Academy, Warrington