
blackjack - noun

  • a common scrubby deciduous tree of central and southeastern United States having dark bark and broad three-lobed (club-shaped) leaves; tends to form dense thickets
  • a piece of metal covered by leather with a flexible handle; used for hitting people
  • a flag usually bearing a white skull and crossbones on a black background; indicates a pirate ship
  • a gambling game using cards; the object is to hold cards having a higher count than those dealt to the banker up to but not exceeding 21

  • blackjack - verb

    • exert pressure on someone through threats

    blackjack - thesaurus

    blackmail   cosh   pressure   sap  

    Scrabble score for blackjack

    b is 3 l is 1 a is 1 c is 3 k is 5 j is 8 a is 1 c is 3 k is 5
    Scrabble score = 30

    Please note that scrabble only allows seven tiles to be placed at once.

    generated at 03:09:55 on 11-02-25

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