In these words the weak vowel sound before y is spelled with the letters or, making the ending ory.
The gold necklace was her finest accessory.
He has an advisory position in a large company.
You need to find the correct category when filing important documents.
Attendance at the meeting was compulsory.
He looked in the telephone directory for the number.
There is an explanatory diagram beside the text.
We formed a history society to study our town's past.
The discussion followed an introductory talk.
Many elephants have been killed by illegal ivory traders.
We conduct experiments in the laboratory.
Attendance at the meeting is mandatory.
My memory for spelling is getting better.
The observatory monitors activity from the volcano.
We worshipped in the oratory.
Predatory animals prey on other creatures.
My maths grades were satisfactory.
They fought over the contested territory.
Gemma rode her horse to victory in the gymkhana.