The schwa ending: a - places
A new job in America was desirable.
In Angola they speak Portuguese.
Argentina means land of silver.
Water is so valuable in Botswana that their money is named after it.
The story mostly takes place in China.
Ghana produces lots of gold and coffee.
They played music from Jamaica at the party.
Kenya is a country in the continent of Africa.
Libya is made up of three original countries that were joined together.
Nicaragua is named after a large lake.
Lake Victoria is in Uganda.
Arabia is a peninsula in the Middle East.
They took the aeroplane to Australia.
A large part of Austria is mountainous.
Algeria is the largest country in Africa.
They have flown to Colombia.
Indonesia is made up of 18,307 islands which stretch 3,200 miles.
Malaysia is home to the world's biggest flower.
The biggest threat to the autocracy of Russia came from the starving peasants.
In Zambia termite hills can be the size of a house.